Root Canal Treatment
What is root canal treatment?
Root canal treatment is the cleaning, disinfection of inflammatory dental nerves and filling them with root canal filling materials when nerves and veins inside the teeth lose their
vitality due to tooth cracks and fractures, tooth decays, wrong treatment processes, and wrong restorations.
When is root canal treatment necessary?
When decays reach tooth nerves,
After tooth fractures as a result of trauma reaching to tooth nerves
After orthodontic treatments which cause tooth to lose its vitality due to excessive pressure,
In advanced gum diseases, Treating sensitivity due to advanced corrosion of the teeth,
For high fillings or dentures, root canal treatment is necessary.
How do you understand that root canal treatment is necessary?
If there is sensitivity to hot and cold,
If there is pain without any reason especially at nights,
If there is pain while eating, If discoloration occurred because of nerve damage,
If there is swelling on the face due to abscess formation,
Sometimes, in certain cases, if diagnosed during dental and radiological examinations with no reason, root canal treatment is necessary.

What are the phases of root canal treatment?
Firstly, we assure you of no pain during anesthesia injection.
Decay is cleaned or cracked pieces are removed. We reach to nerve of the tooth.
Nerves and tissues in the tooth root are cleaned.
Root canal is reshaped through the root.
Considering the condition of the tooth, treatment may take 1 session or more.
Dressing is done with medications which will heal inside and the end of the root between the sessions.
At the end of the root canal treatment, canal is filled with special filling materials through the root.

What should I pay attention during root canal treatment?
Nothing must be eaten or drunk until the effect of the anesthesia disappears.
During the treatment, you should abstain from hard shelled foods such as dried nuts and fruits and sticky foods such as gums, around the area where root canal treatment is performed. Tooth fractures are usually seen between sessions.
You should be careful about that the temporary fillings not drop out between treatment sessions.
Is root canal treatment a painful process?
Due to anesthesia injection, patient does not feel any pain during root canal treatment.
Will there be pain after root canal treatment?
Mild pain and sensitivity may occur after treatment especially while chewing something. Anti-inflammatory medications can be used for several days after treatment.
Will it be necessary to remove the tooth due to inflammation?
In today’s world, most of the abscesses in the tooth roots are treated thanks to the substances and the techniques used during root canal treatment. Hence, it is not necessary to remove the tooth.

Is antibiotics use necessary in tooth infections?
Under normal circumstances, antibiotics use is not necessary during root canal treatment. However, if the infection advances or if sensitivity occurs, antibiotics may be prescribed.
Are root canal filling and filling different applications?
Root canal filling is the process of cleaning the tooth root and filling it. On the other hand, filling process is the restoration of the tooth crown with composite fillings, inlays, onlays, or crowns depending on the degree of the damage.

Are teeth receiving root canal treatment more fragile?
Because teeth lose their vitality after root canal treatment, they become more fragile. After treatment, because teeth receiving root canal treatment lose a lot of material and become more fragile, crowns are recommended.
What is revision of root canal treatment?
Under sterile conditions, success rate of proper root canal treatments is between 90% and 95%. Treatment may be unsuccessful due to perforation, fractures after treatment or microorganisms’ leaking into the canal if nerve tissue is not removed completely during the treatment or root canal filling and upper liners are not sufficient. Root canal treatment is unsuccessful if there is pain in teeth while eating, spontaneous ache, swelling or irritation at the end of the tooth root. Unsuccessful treatment is renewed. If this process is insufficient, we reach the root surgically using apicoectomy technique, clean the infection and close it. If revision of root canal treatment and surgical operation are not effective, the removal of the tooth might be taken into consideration.